
Asia Packaging Desiccant is based on the proven ability of calcium chloride to aggressively remove moisture from the air.

Asia Packaging Desiccant is easy to use and is designed to hang within the corrugated recess of the container side panel. Minimal space is occupied and accidental damage from forklifts during stuffing and un-stuffing is avoided.

How the Asia Packaging Desiccant works

Asia Packaging Desiccant is activated once it is pulled out of its container. The calcium chloride, at the top portion of the pole (1), immediately starts to absorb moisture from the surrounding air. The desiccant material gradually dissolves into brine which is captured in the lower blue collector (2). Once captured, the moisture will not re-evaporate into the air.


The absorption characteristics of calcium chloride provide Asia Packaging Desiccant with a superior absorption capacity, even at low humidity levels, and the ability to effectively protect cargo throughout the entire voyage.

Typical applications:

  • Machinery and electronics
  • Automotive parts
  • Canned goods
  • Agricultural products
  • Textiles and leather
  • Wood and paper products
  • Plastics, glass and metals

Units needed

Generally, 4 – 8 poles are required for 20-foot containers and 6 –12 poles for 40-foot containers. The number may vary depending on the length of the voyage, the range of temperatures encountered and the type of cargo protected.


Asia Packaging Desiccant is made only of PE/PP plastics and salt, which are non-toxic and recyclable. Asia Packaging Desiccant is a one-time product and can be disposed with regular waste.